Limited Corporation for Information Management and Documentation

Cataloging in the GBV on-line union database

Project examples


GIMD’s responsibility was to support the cataloging of the phonogram stocks of a northeastern German music academy in the on-line union database of the Common Library Network (GBV).

Project duration: 18 months

As part of the Common Library Network (GBV), our client is able to provide access to a comprehensive media offer from the libraries of the German states of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, and Thuringia. GIMD supported the cataloging of the phonogram stocks of our client in the GBV on-line union database, using the GBV web portal and the WinIBW 2000 processing software. Uniform application tools and binding cataloging regulations ensured homogeneous data input meeting GBV standards. Diligent duplicate checks against existing data prevented multiple entry of media. Diverse query options for individual fields and the customer-specific management of the cataloged data records facilitated smooth co-operation between GIMD and its client.