“In view of the steadily rising flood of information, the selection and pertinent structuring of information is gaining increasing significance.”
Dr. Andreas Holst, Managing Director
Services Overview
GIMD, the Limited Corporation for Information Management and Documentation (Gesellschaft für Informationsmanagement und Dokumentation mbH), offers a complete range of services covering every aspect of information and documentation. All steps, from information procurement to evaluation and structuring, and finally, archiving, may be commissioned individually, or be combined in any way desired in a building-block system. GIMD deploys the expertise and professional know-how of its staff members for the benefit of all clients, with the object of making already existing information available to as many users as possible.
A major focus of our range of services is on the formal and content-based cataloging of information by researchers and staff members from a great variety of disciplines, particularly from Life Sciences (Medicine, Biochemistry, Biology), Chemistry, Pharmacy, Law and the Humanities, from Radio and TV Documentation, and Librarianship. Another key aspect of our work is the media- and system-specific processing of data by capturing, structuring, and conversion (see Service Profile).
Among our clients, we count renowned, internationally operating pharmaceuticals manufacturers and media houses of the public sector (see References).
In all cases, we strive to provide the best services possible for the cataloging, indexing, and user-friendly processing of information of all kinds. Top-of-the-line quality, first-rate service and reliability are our priorities in this. Our staff members constantly keep abreast of current developments in their fields, staying at the edge of ongoing innovations. Processing both available information and data yet to be procured in ways that are tailored to your demands and needs is simply what we do best. ARTIS, our central software for the management and structuring of data, supports our every work step. It is constantly updated and optimated, for the benefit of both our staff members and our clients (see Software). Yet in spite of steadily increasing digitalization, we have never lost sight of conventional stocks in libraries or similar facilities.
We invite you to profit from our longtime experience and our comprehensive knowledge in the areas of information research, procurement, and processing.
We are looking forward to supporting your company/your organization as well. Do not hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to advise you! Contact
The Team
At the moment, 30 staff members are working at GIMD, their qualifications ranging from Medicine to the Natural Sciences and the Humanities, from Law to Information Science. This enables GIMD to offer information management and documentation services in practically every field imaginable. What all our staff members have in common is their wide experience in the areas of information and documentation, as well as in electronic publishing via the Internet and databases. This extremely competent team is continuously reinforced by new co-workers. Personal interaction is characterized by a spirit of collegiality and mutual estimation. Flat hierarchies, a strong team spirit, and the high degree of our staff members’ motivation are the source of our innovative power and create a congenial and highly productive working atmosphere.
All work steps, manual or automated, are subject to strict quality control, which covers development as well as operative procedures. Our staff in our various departments tests all processes for logic, stringency, and accuracy, before they are cleared for general operation. These checks are comprehensively documented to keep them traceable and transparent at any time. The same applies to individual processing stages. Whenever possible, we work according to the four-eyes principle.

Our Values
Respect for Every Individual:
Our success depends on the sum of the skills and performances of all staff members. Mutual appreciation and support are indispensable in this. And of course, optimum working and safety conditions are a given at GIMD.
Integrity in business dealings and fairness in competition are imperative in order to meet our social responsibilities.
Customer Satisfaction:
We want to understand the expectations of our clients and, whenever possible, to surpass them. This requires the highest degree of flexibility as well as the constant search for innovative solutions. The quality of our services takes utmost precedence.
Genuine teamwork requires communication among equals and mutual support, in order to fully bring out the many and varied talents of our staff for the benefit of our clients. Whenever possible, we work according to the four-eyes principle.
Open Communication:
Information, expertise, and experience are shared and passed on, particularly in the familiarization training of new co-workers.
Innovation is the key to our success. Therefore, we are constantly striving to spot new developments at an early date and to remain open to new, unconventional ideas.
Environmental Protection:
As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we strive to proactively utilize new, environmentally-friendly technologies and processes, and to minimize our operation’s impact on the environment.
Continuous Improvement:
In all areas listed above, we permanently strive towards improving ourselves.
Quality Management
Quality, first-rate service, and reliability are our highest priorities. Our researchers, many of them holding a PhD, are constantly expanding their knowledge, keeping abreast of current developments in their fields. Processing both available information and data yet to be procured in ways that are tailored to your demands and needs is simply what we do. ARTIS, our central software for the management and structuring of data, supports our every work step. It is constantly updated and optimated, for the benefit of both our staff members and our clients. Yet in spite of steadily increasing digitalization, we have never lost sight of conventional stocks in libraries or similar facilities.
All work steps, manual or automated, are subject to strict quality control, which covers development as well as operative procedures. Our staff in our various departments tests all processes for logic, stringency, and accuracy, before they are cleared for general operation. These checks are comprehensively documented to keep them traceable and transparent at any time. The same applies to individual processing stages. Whenever possible, we work according to the four-eyes principle.
Our company premises on the edge of Wuerzburg’s downtown, with a view of famous Marienburg Castle, provide ideal conditions for our work. Quiet surroundings, bright office spaces, and a staircase flooded with natural light create an optimum environment for GIMD staff, who need to maintain a high degree of concentration when reading, evaluating, and indexing. Thanks to efficient insulation, heat recycling, and a high-performance photovoltaics system, our building meets all requirements of ecological construction and operation. Sustainability in all areas is one of our prime concerns.
From Wuerzburg, we perform the most diverse tasks in the area of scientific communication for clients at home and abroad, supported by state-of-the-art communications technology. A spacious room is available for consultations and trainings.
Our offices may be reached quickly and easily from Wuerzburg Central Station or downtown – another advantage for GIMD staff members, many of whom come to work by bicycle or by public transportation. We are looking forward to welcoming you on our premises! Contact