Limited Corporation for Information Management and Documentation

Local pharmacovigilance screening

Project examples


For numerous clients, GIMD performs the pharmacovigilance screening of local scientific journals in the respective language. Next to the selection of suitable publications, this service also comprises the ordering and management of subscriptions.

Project duration: ongoing

Depending on whether the journals to be evaluated come as electronic, print, or mixed editions, different screening methods are utilized. Various ARTIS modules have been combined in such a way that they facilitate a high-efficiency workflow able to supply different departments at our clients’ with the requisite data on time, at the same time.

In addition to the timely reporting of notifiable articles, we also provide short assessments of relevant articles, depending on the scope of the commission. Another service includes monthly overviews of screenings, so that clients are always able to retrace which journals were evaluated at what time. Thanks to the flexibility of our ARTIS system, documentation may be adapted to the client’s in-house guidelines and processes without any difficulty.

The specifications for this project comprise the following essential points:

  • management of subscriptions (e-journals or print)
  • proficiency in all European languages
  • documentation of screening results
  • two-stage screening with regard to products and with a view to the requirements of pharmacovigilance
  • integration with other literature databases
  • creation or revision of abstracts in different languages

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