Limited Corporation for Information Management and Documentation

Structured registration and classification of the documents in the historic stock of a sheet music archive

GIMD’s responsibility was the structured registration and classification of the historic stock or a southern German sheet music archive on the basis of catalog cards and orchestra folders. […]

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Retroconversion of the record collection of a music library

Our client, a music library in South Germany, maintains a vast collection of vinyl records. It is of high interest especially for experts, since it comprises a considerable number of musical works by musicians from the region, in a range and variety probably not to be found anywhere else. […]

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Retrocataloging for a university of music

For the library of a northern German university of music, we have been electronically registering CD stocks for many years. Parts of the sheet music collection have also been processed in the meantime. These holdings were to be listed in the database of the Common Library Network (GBV). […]

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Data collection from sensitive materials

Our commission involved data collection from 422 CDs and 956 partially large-format music prints in different languages and scripts, among them Hebrew and Cyrillic. Collected data was entered on-line into the catalog of the Southwest German Library Network (SWB) according to RDA guidelines and linked to existing data records. […]

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